Tuesday, October 29, 2013

C4T- #3

My teacher I was assigned to for my C4T-#3 was Karl Fisch. According to his twitter, Karl Fisch has taught middle school and high school math for 23 years. He is currently Director of Technology at Arapahoe High School. His blog that I have been visiting is called "The Fisch Bowl".

Karl Fisch

Post #1

Mr. Fisch's first post that I commented on was in regards to the Douglas County School Board elections. He began by saying that the elections are not about unions, although that seems to be what people are making the election about. He says that the election should not be about the adults' agendas. Instead, it should be about the students' learning. Mr. Fisch also gives some advice for the voters to do before they decide to cast their vote.

Comment #1

First, I introduced myself and told Mr. Fisch that I am in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I told him that I would be making a couple of visits to his blog over the next couple of weeks as a part of the class. I gave him a link to the class blog and to my blog. I gave him the date that I would be posting a summary of my visits to his blog. Next, I told him that I found his post to be very interesting even though I am not familiar with the Douglas County School Board elections. I told him that I agreed with him that the election should be about the students' well-being. Students often get forgotten in elections. Lastly, I told him that I loved his advice for voters to do before casting their vote. I really enjoyed this blog post!

Post #2

The second post that I commented on was entitled, "We've Got it Backwards". He talks about a phrase "Are you college ready?" being changed to "Is college ready for you?". He states that 'high school' could be substituted in for the word 'college' as well. He says that the purpose of education should not be able preparing students to do well in school.

Comment #2

In my comment on this post, I told Mr. Fisch that I really enjoyed his post. I felt like I could relate to it since I am a college student. I agreed with him that the phrase, "Is college ready for you?" is more applicable. Students should enter college with an open mind, but also a mindset to bring something to contribute, whether it be to the class discussion, other peers, or even society. I told Mr. Fisch that I enjoyed my two visits to his blog, and he should look for my summary here posted this week.

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