Sunday, October 13, 2013

C4T #2

Pernille Ripp

"Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension"
According to her twitter account, Pernille Ripp is a fifth grade teacher from Madison, Wisconsin. She is a wife and mother to three children. In addition, she is the Creator of the Global Read Aloud.

Post #1:
Passionate Learners at #RSCON4"
September 28, 2013

Mrs. Ripp begins this post by describing her main mission in teaching, which is giving the classroom back to the students. She means changing the way teachers teach and bringing passion back into the classroom. Her book has not come out yet, however, she is presenting her ideas at the 2013 Reform Symposium on October 12, 2013, at 5 pm CST. She then describes the Reform Symposium. It is a free, three day virtual conference that will join educators all around the world from the comfort of their homes or wherever they chose. It allows educators to connect using the Blackboard Collaborative webinar platform to share ideas or resources.

Comment #1

In my comment on this post, I told who I was and left links to both the class blog and my blog. In addition, I told Mrs. Ripp when I would be posting the summary of my visits to her blog. Then, I told her my thoughts about her blog post. I loved it! I told her that I loved the idea of giving the classroom back to the students, and I would love to hear more about what she means by this. I also told Mrs. Ripp how I loved the idea of the Reform Symposium. It is awesome that teachers all over the world are able to attend a virtual conference from the comfort of their home or place of choice. I enjoyed Pernille Ripp's blog, and I look forward to visiting it more in the upcoming weeks.

Post #2:
Some Small Confessions from an Almost Veteran Teacher"
October 13, 2013

Pernille Ripp describes some confessions of her struggles as a teacher. She describes how her first year was a struggle for her. She was ready to get it over with and be one year closer to being a veteran and having it all together. Now, even though she is in her 6th year of teaching and considers herself close to being a veteran teacher, she still does not know it all. She describes confessions like lesson plans not going as planned, or raising her voice instead of explaining calmly. This post was simply a confession that she still doesn't have it all together.

Comment #2

In my comment to Mrs. Ripp, I told her how comforting her post was to me as a future educator. I explained that observing in a classroom and seeing teachers that seem to be professionals at everything and not struggling at all, can be intimidating to an upcoming teacher. I wonder how I will ever get to be like that. I told Mrs. Ripp that her post gave me comfort that even these veteran teachers still do not have it all together and succeed at every little thing they do.

I thoroughly enjoyed my visits to Pernille Ripp's blog. Her work is very interesting, encouraging, and educational. I will definitely be visiting her blog more.

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